Price Dental Implants Valencia

The price of a dental implant, in general terms, depends largely on the patient and the treatment needed, so it is difficult to give the price of a dental implant without taking into account the circumstances. As a first approximation to the price of dental implants it can be said that a complete quality dental implant (including crown) ranges between 1000 and 1500 € depending on each case. Read on to find out more about the price.

At Asensio Advanced Dentistry we use the best dental implants on the market: we do this because the patient always benefits from a high quality dental implant, above others of lower price and range. In the end, the price of dental implants also includes the durability of the implant, which can vary depending on the quality.

Dr. Lucía Asensio is a specialist in dental implants and complex cases of maxillofacial surgery. In all implantology cases, the doctor will analyse your personal situation to offer you the best possible solution.

In any case, before knowing the price of a dental implant in Valencia we must find out exactly what treatment we need, because depending on what is required we will get different prices.


Simple dental implant photography

If we need to solve the loss or extraction of only one tooth, the simple implant is the best option. We use a titanium implant, which has the same function as the natural tooth root and the aesthetics of any tooth or molar. Although the price of a dental implant may be higher than other alternative solutions, it is the best solution due to its comfort and long durability.

In addition, the single implant is the best solution for other reasons: The dental implant mimics the forces of the natural tooth, and therefore preserves the jawbone and soft tissues better. The jawbone will retain its shape and the gum will cover the crown as if it were its own tooth.


Image of dental bridges for implants

If the natural teeth do not have a sufficiently strong and healthy structure, the specialist will extract the defective teeth. If there are 3 or more teeth to be replaced, a bridge can be made using only two implants. At Asensio we use titanium dental implants, of certified quality, so that the fixation is secure and durable over time.


Imagen de soporte para implantes completos

There is also the possibility that all the teeth in an arch, or even in both arches, need to be replaced. In this situation, a solution to replace the entire set of teeth with dental implants is the most durable and effective solution over time. Although dentures are also a viable option, dental implants have great advantages over dentures.

In terms of aesthetics, the dentures attached to dental implants are completely lifelike and indistinguishable from natural teeth. The result is always very positive: The patient obtains a perfect smile thanks to a safe and durable treatment.

The price per implant for a complete fixed restoration depends on the number of implants required.


Representación modelo all-on-four

All on four is the most innovative dental implant technique. Not all dentists can perform it, but it is undoubtedly the most effective, quickest and painless treatment available today. The steps for this treatment are as follows: The teeth are extracted, the infection is removed, and the implants and teeth are fixed in place, all on the same day and using only four dental implants.

The fact that only four implants are used means that the price of dental implants is much lower than if a larger number were used. This technique saves on costs, discomfort, time and materials, making it more economical and comfortable for the patient.

Click here for more information about all on four
All On Four Implants

The type of treatment we need will influence the price of the implants, as we have to consider all the parts involved in the treatment, such as revisions and other materials used.

There are also other factors that influence the price, such as the location of the patient, the structure of the jawbone, the recovery process, etc.


Location of the patient: The average price of a dental implant varies depending on the country and autonomous community where the patient is operated on.

Dental clinic: Each clinic will have different prices per implant. The key is to look for the clinic that offers the best value for money.

Jaw structure: Some complex cases require specific surgeries in order to place dental implants, which will increase the price of the implants.

Recovery: Depending on the treatment and the characteristics of the patient, there will be a longer or shorter recovery process, and therefore costs and visits to the dentist may increase.

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    Simple dental implant
    Bridge on dental implants€€€€€
    Complete fixed restoration€€
    All on Four€€