Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery

mini-azulOral Surgery

Dental exodontics is that part of maxillofacial or oral surgery that deals with the extraction of a tooth or portion of a tooth from the bone bed that houses it, using appropriate techniques and instruments.

Dental exodontia is the basis of oral surgery, whether it is a simple or surgical extraction of a remaining root, or whether it is a tooth with a position anomaly or a more or less ectopic situation.

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Wisdom teeth or wisdom teeth

These are the last teeth to appear and develop in the mouth.

Because they are the last to appear, the mouth often does not have enough space to accommodate them. When this happens, the teeth become impacted (trapped by other teeth or by the bone itself, under the gum tissue). If the teeth are impacted, pain and swelling occur in the area.

Partially erupted or rotated wisdom teeth can cause various discomforts.

Dental epulis or cracked epulis

It is usually more frequent in patients with total upper edentulism (no teeth) and conventional prosthesis wearers.

Histologically, it consists of fibrous tissue, inflammatory infiltrate and stratified squamous epithelium. Clinically, a soft, flaccid, painful and bleeding tumour is observed.

It is more common in older people. The mobility of the dental prosthesis causes an increase in the resorption of the alveolar bone crest, which leads to an interlocking of the edge of the prosthesis flap. This causes irritation of the underlying mucosa, which manifests itself in the form of folds that give this condition its name.

Periapical surgery

Some patients present lesions in the maxillary or mandibular bone around one or several roots that grow destroying the supporting bone of the tooth and are responsible for pain and infection. These lesions are called periapical granulomas and cysts and their origin is a chronic dental infection.

When these lesions are small in size, less than 1 centimetre, the treatment is carried out by endodontics of the causal tooth. Endodontics usually solves the problem, although this does not occur in all cases.

When root canal treatment has not allowed the lesion to heal, repeat root canal treatment is usually indicated. If this does not control the evolution of the lesion, periapical surgery is indicated.

Periapical surgery consists of the surgical removal of the lesion at the end of the root of the tooth, together with the sectioning of the final part of the root (about 3 mm). It is normally accompanied by a small preparation at the end of the sectioned root and retrograde obturation of the same with Zinc (Zn)-free amalgam or special cement, so that there is a good seal and no germs can enter.

Maxillofacial surgery


Inclusions are teeth that have not erupted during their normal eruption period and remain partially or completely within the bone.

Any tooth can suffer from this process of impaction, but it tends to affect the upper and lower wisdom teeth and the upper canines (canine teeth) the most. This is because these teeth are the last to erupt and therefore have more space problems.

In these cases, we must rule out any type of pathology and carry out an X-ray to find out the cause of this delay in eruption.

What are the treatment options for an impacted tooth?

When we are faced with one or more impacted teeth, we can take three approaches:

1) Therapeutic abstention
2) Surgical extraction
3) Re-positioning of the impacted tooth in the dental arch.

The repositioning of the impacted tooth in the dental arch is the treatment of choice for any aesthetically and functionally important impacted tooth, and can be carried out by two types of procedures:

A) Surgical-orthodontic: this is a procedure that combines surgery and orthodontics.
B) Surgical: requires only surgery.


Cysts located inside the maxillary bones have a very diverse aetiology; they can come from latent infections of teeth in poor condition, from teeth that have been retained in the bone or from embryonic structures that have remained inside the bones.

In any case, the surgical intervention that we carry out in our clinic ensures a definitive cure in most cases.

Ask our specialist who will inform you in detail and without obligation, call our Dental Clinic, do not hesitate to consult us!


Orthognathic surgery is defined as surgery to correct dentofacial deformities by mobilising the upper jaw and mandible.

It requires a careful study of each face and a team treatment between the orthodontist and the maxillofacial surgeon.

Orthognathic surgery is not only aimed at those patients who have a significant facial deformity, but also at all those who have an altered way of biting due to an inadequate position of the teeth and maxillary bones that cannot be solved by the orthodontist alone.

In other words, orthognathic surgery can solve all those problems generated by the irregular growth of the facial bones and which cause problems in the way of biting, speaking, sleeping and aesthetic appearance.

There are two main reasons for deciding to undergo surgery: aesthetic, improving the general appearance of the face and smile, and functional, by achieving a correct way of chewing and helping to maintain good health of the teeth, gums and temporomandibular joints.

Orthognathic surgery has also been shown to be very effective in solving other problems such as obstructive sleep apnoea.


The salivary glands secrete saliva into the mouth through ducts. They are located around the mouth and throat. The main glands are the following:

-Submandibular (submaxillary) gland
-Sublingual gland
Smaller glands found in the mouth area -Smallest glands found in the mouth area

Reasons for the procedure

The salivary glands may become infected, blocked, or have a tumour, stone or other disorder. Surgery is done to treat the problem by removing part or all of the affected gland. It may also be done to remove tissue for testing, such as tissue from a tumour to check for cancer.

This surgery is performed to remove a salivary gland. There are different types of surgery, depending on the gland to be operated on:

-Parotidectomy : to remove the parotid gland.
-Submandibular sialoadenectomy: to remove the submandibular gland.
-Sublingual gland surgery: to remove the sublingual gland.


Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses.

Sinuses are hollow cavities inside the cheek bones around and behind the nose and eyes. Their function is to conduct, warm, moisten and filter the air so that it reaches the lungs clean and warm.

What are the symptoms of sinusitis?

Sinusitis can produce these symptoms:

-Pain on pressure in the face.
-Nasal obstruction (stuffy feeling).
-Yellow or greenish nasal mucus.
-Decreased sense of smell.
-Cough predominantly at night (more common in children).
-Fever, dental pain, bad breath.

When these symptoms last for more than 12 weeks, we speak of chronic sinusitis and may be related to dental pathology, especially if it is unilateral.

In our surgery we have digital radriography for sinuses.

mini-azulCadwell-Luc surgery

This surgery is very useful in severe sinusitis, pansinusitis and to explore the sinus in cases of cysts, infections or the presence of tumours.

If left untreated, it can lead to persistent discomfort or become complicated and spread to neighbouring areas: facial bones, eyes,…

Ask our dentist how to solve your problem. At Clínica Dental Asensio personalised attention, bear in mind that we are not a franchise, we are not a “company”, we are specialists in advanced dentistry, we help you to have good dental health, call us and find out more!